Briochettes with toasted coconut

This attempt to make a nice brioche was inspired by my early days in England, when me and my family were still wide-eyed about all the new things around us. Back on those days my mum used to go to Aldi, a famous low-budget supermarket in Europe where you can find anything from baked beans to venison. She religiously brought home every week brioche rolls that had crème patisserie swirled in them and were topped with icing sugar. It was heaven. Back in those days I had very little to look forward to, I hated school I had left all my mates back in Brazil and was struggling to express myself in a foreign language so I have very little cheerful memories from those first months in England.That brioche is one of my earliest happy memories.
Now brace yourselves because this is a messy recipe. Clear your kitchen surfaces of clutter, have your flour ready and your butter cubbed (maybe get a minder for your kids and husband) because halfway through it you will have a ”oh my goodness!” moment but it is perfectly normal, know it will be alright.
I have made this recipe six times and have adapted it slightly over my trials, I have tried the two methods: by hand and with a dough hook in a machine and I did see a difference in results when doing it by hand so give it a go, it turns out best. You’ll probably hate me when you are covered in soft dough up to your wrists but trust me these bad boys are worth it.
Remember to start doing this the day before as the dough needs a few hours rest. And please, pretty please use real butter.
Briochettes with toasted coconut
300g strong white flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp caster sugar
7g fast-acting yeast
5 tbsp warm milk
3 eggs + 2 yolks
2 tsp vanilla extract
120g butter, at room temperature plus more for greasing and topping
Dessicated coconut
3 tbsp honey
1. In a large bowl sieve the flour, add salt, sugar and the yeast. Beat the eggs and yolks slightly and separate 3 tablespoons to brush the briochettes at the end. To the beaten eggs add the warm milk and vanilla extract. Make a well in the centre of the dry mixture and add the egg mixture incorporating both dry and wet ingredients slowly. Knead this dough for 2-3 minutes. Now for the tough bit: start adding the butter cube by cube, working each cube well into the dough before adding the next one. Knead until elastic and shiny, it will still feel really soft. Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover, take it to the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.
2. Preheat the oven to 180C and grease a muffin tray. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for 5-6 minutes, divide it into 12 pieces and roll it into a long piece. Divide this piece into three parts and braid it, tucking the ends and the bottom. Place briochettes in the tray and cover. Prove it in a warm place (25C is optimal) for 20 minutes or until they have doubled in size.
3. Brush the top of the briochettes with the beaten egg and bake for 18-20 minutes or until they’ve turned golden. Set aside on a cooling rack while you prepare the topping. Add a handful of desiccated coconut onto a hot frying pan, stirring until they are golden brown and set aside. In a separate bowl melt around 25g of butter and mix it with the honey. Brush this on top of the briochettes and finally sprinkle the coconut.
*Based on a recipe by Eve Parker