Harissa wholemeal loaf {Dairy free}

My grandmother always told me winter is not a good time to bake bread. Yeast don’t like cold, that’s what she used to say to me.
She is right, bread struggles to prove during the winter but the trick with this wholemeal loaf is to prove the loaf next to the radiator, covered in a damp cloth. So thank God for central heating, eh?
This loaf was born from a flat bread recipe that did not go so well but proved itself to be a great loaf in the end! This is a triple tested recipe. In fact more than triple because it has become a favourite around the house. It’s inexpensive to make (I am sure most people have the ingredients ready in their cupboard) and as a rookie bread-maker this worked out way better than I expected. Plus is dairy free for all of you not-so-lactose-friendly people!
A toasted slice of this spicy loaf topped with a good lashing of butter will put a smile on anyone’s face, believe me, even if the weather outside proves unpalatable.
I have tried to make a whole 700g loaf and also by dividing it into two small loaf tins, it bakes quicker and there’s less risk of getting a really tough crust.
Harrisa wholemeal loaf
250g plain flour
250g wholemeal flour
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
2 tsp dried yeast
300ml warm water
2 tbsps harissa spice
1/2 tsp sugar
The harissa spice blend I use contains chilli flakes, smoked paprika, caraway and lemon, if you don’t have that at hand chilli flakes work too.
1. Mix part of the water, the yeast and sugar in a bowl and mix until yeast is dissolved. In a separate bowl mix the flours and harissa and make a well in the centre. Add the olive oil and yeast mixture to the centre of the well and slowly combine the two mixtures with a spoon, adding the rest of the water slowly until you get a soft but elastic mixture. You may not need to add all the water.
2. On a floured surface knead the dough for 15 minutes until soft but elastic. Place it in a greased bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Leave it to rise for 1 1/2 hours in a warm place or until it doubles in size.
3. Prepare two small sized loaf tins (or a medium sized) by greasing them and then dusting them with wholemeal flour. Knock the dough back again for 5 minutes, cut it in half, shape them into long rounded shapes and place both on the prepared tins, prove it again in a warm place for 1 1/2 hours. Preheat the oven to 160C before baking it for around 40 minutes or until golden on top.
4. Let it cool on a rack for 5 minutes then take the loaf out of the tin and let it cool completely on the rack. It is important not to leave it to cool completely while in the tin otherwise it gets condensation and your loaf will get a soggy bottom!