Matryoshka felt bookmarker

The DIY making persona has a lot to do with my parents. A lot of the basic skills I now know as a wife are thanks to my mum, invaluable advice such as dust before you hoover and how to fold egg whites into cake batter.
This DIY was inspired by my mum and Mothering Sunday, it’s a super cute felt Matryoshka doll.
Matryoshka means “little matron” in russian, and I fell in love with their little round shape and cute little faces after my sister went on a trip to St Petersburg and bought everyone a set.
They are super easy to make, and they make a great gift for book lovers.
Felt pieces
Scraps of fabric
Sharpie pens
Cotton thread and needle
PVA glue
Small brush
3mm ribbon
Template. Click here to download and print it
How to:
1. Cut out the printed template
2. The outside, black border of the template will be the back of the matryoshka, the inside lines in grey will be the front.
3. Place the template on top of the felt and draw the shape on it
4. Cut out the inside (grey) holes and repeat step 3, this time outlining the inside cut outs for face and belly
5. Cut a bit of light pink felt for face and scrap fabric to fit inside belly cut out
6. Glue to the back of the matryoshka with a little PVA glue, brushing a little glue around the edges
7. Cut a piece of ribbon that is around 10cm, make a loop and glue it to the top of the head
8. Place template 2 on top and press
9. Use a blanket stitch to finish the matryoshka, I got the instructions here
10. Use sharpie pens to draw the facial features and hair on