Chicken noodle soup

chicken noodle soup with kale

I wished for the weather to be colder a month ago. It was too warm for October I said. This week the cold really hit me, back to wearing gloves just to get into my car in the car park. And it is not even snowing yet in the south of England, unlike the north, which means it is just drizzly, a wet cold with a mist that seems to get through to your bones regardless of how many layers of wool you got on.

This is why people put weight on over christmas, it is not the turkey or the chocolates or the mulled wine, it is the constant search for comforting food that will warm up your insides.

I have just the thing for you. And it will not add any extra pounds.

Chicken noodle soup with kale Chicken noodle soup with kale

Chicken noodle soup for one

1 chicken breast

1 tbsp of bouillon vegetable stock

1 tbsp of soy sauce

175g fine rice noodles (ready to work or 65g of raw noodles)

1 small carrot, cut into cubes

1/2 cup of frozen sweetcorn

1/2 cup of kale

Handful of finely sliced spring onions

1. Boil water, add bouillon powder, soy sauce and cook chicken breast. After 30 minutes remove chicken breast and shred it

2. Add rest of the ingredients with the chicken and cook for a further 15 minutes. Add salt to taste. Add the spring onions and cook for a further 5 minutes before serving