Sesame and chia seed crackers

Currently I have the biggest jar of coconut flour in my cupboard.
I bought it after getting hooked into a book about quitting sugar. That went well for a couple of months, long enough for me to come to the conclusion that I would never quit sugar. I mean, have you seen my feed?
So the huge bag of coconut flour is a a reminant of that period. Coconut flour scares me as I have never used it outside of specific recipe regulations. But with the purpose to make good use of it I decided to go rogue.
Well crackers aren’t that rogue. No raising agent, pulsing everything in a food processor. And the right dip makes all the difference. Hard to go wrong.
As a snacker, crackers are such an important part of my day. If I could have 10 well rounded snacks throughout the day rather than 3 round meals I would.
I live for snacks.
And because I live for snacks I am always trying to evolve them into something different. Because here’s the thing: I will get absolutely obsessed with apple slices and peanut butter and then never want to see it ever again. A broad repertoire is therefore a must.
These crackers are full of grain and goodness and accompany hummus and guacamole beautifully. It is important to bake them in a low oven but watch it carefully so that they don’t burn.
Sesame and chia seed crackers (makes around 20 small crackers)
1 cup gluten-free oats
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper
2 tsp chilli powder
100ml olive oil
160ml cold water
1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Pulse all flours, seasoning and oil into food processor
2. Place mixture in bowl and mix in water and seeds until dough resembles wet sand and comes together as you press it
3. Cut dough into 4 pieces. Roll as thin as possible and cut into squares.
4. Place squares on a baking sheet, lined with baking paper. Bake for 5 mins. Then turn heat down to 160C and cook for a further 10 minutes. Let them sit in warm oven until completely cool before service.