Sesame and chia seed crackers
Currently I have the biggest jar of coconut flour in my cupboard. I bought it after getting hooked into a book about quitting sugar. That went well for a couple of months, long enough for me to come to the conclusion that I would never quit sugar. I mean, have you seen my feed? So the huge bag of coconut flour is a a reminant of that period. Coconut flour scares me as I have never used it outside of specific recipe regulations. But with the purpose to make good use of it I decided to go rogue. Well crackers aren’t that rogue. No raising agent, pulsing everything in a food processor. And the right dip makes all the difference. Hard to go wrong. As a snacker, crackers are such an important part of my day. If I could have 10 well rounded snacks throughout the day rather than 3 round meals I would. I live for snacks. And because I live for snacks I am always trying to evolve them into something different. Because here’s the thing: I will get absolutely obsessed with apple slices and peanut butter and then never want to see it ever again. A broad