Falafel burger with halloumi fries
Do you know the feeling when you reluctantly try a new weird dish and fall in love with it? Falafels did that to me. Funnilly enough my local pub was serving a special of open falafel and guacamole during the summer. I had it twice and then just had to try and re-create it at home. Rather than guacamole I added a simple yoghurt and coriander sauce to pair it with the chili powder. It may look like an innocent hand held snack but this is one filling burger. Falafel burger (makes 2) 230g canned chickpeas (drained weight) Zest of one lemon 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp tahini 2 garlic cloves 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs 1 egg Flatbreads, red onions and lambs lettuce 1. Dry the chickpeas well with a paper towel. Blend all ingredients together breadcrumbs to one side. Blend until you get a smooth paste. Mix half of the breadcrumbs in and with your hands shape the paste into patties. Cover patties with remaining breadcrumbs and leave it to chill for at least 10 minutes 2. Heat 2 tbsp sunflower oil in a non-stick frying pan, add the