cashew protein boost balls
I love being outdoors…for a nice walk, a picnic or a bonfire party. But when it comes to exercising being outdoors is not my thing. I like a mud-free, climate controlled environment. Regardless of the environment being fit is very important to me, especially when I feel stressed, running and boxing are great ways to release stress. With an increase in my exercise routine in the last few months I have noticed that my body is asking me for more food, and it’s very hard not to oblige. If you are a serious gym goer, protein intake is no joke. A lack of protein in your diet can causes muscle weakness, fatigue and lethargy. And I ain’t got time for that. A gym buddy introduced me to protein balls, the popular brand I tried tasted nice but felt a little like a jawbreaker and were incredibly dry. I liked the idea of a high protein snack so decided to start playing with a few ingredients. This is a great recipe, and it is not only for gym lovers, these little balls are a good pick me up for the slump in those hours between breakfast and lunch. Chia seeds is my favourite