Cold brewed coffee
It was October when I first moved to England, and one of my earliest memories was the changing colours of the leaves…and the shocking amount of tea people drink here. The stereotype is real, it is the land of tea, dare I say more than India itself. The etiquette around tea is also something the British don’t joke about, it is close to a crime here to get up to make yourself a cup of tea and not ask whether anyone else in the room wants one. I think this strong tea culture froze the progress of coffee. Literally, freeze dried coffee is what you’ll get if you ask for one. It looks like they left that for the continent to deal with. Growing up in Brazil there were no other alternatives but to have coffee in the morning and a little shot in the afternoon to keep you awake in the heat. I only drank tea when I was ill, and to this day I cannot get on board with the drink. I felt I had little choice but to give in to instant coffee and I couldn’t stomach it. But beggars can’t be choosers and grew to accept