Let’s talk about saving money on household gadgets
Who here has never been pulled in by an advert promising that a new gadget will change your life in minutes? Or hear friends and family rave about products that transformed their life? Soon we are on Amazon and Google reading the reviews. After hours of research you come to the conclusion you are none the wiser, because the one bad review gets stuck in your head, tarnishing all the good ones. So how to find out what is really a good buy??? I have lived through the above situation many times. But now, having a minimalist life goal, I have been evaluating what objects are really necessary in my life, before purchasing anything. And especially household gadgets, which are often expensive. It is hard not to fall into the trap of Googling reviews and this is something I really don’t want to spend a lot of time and energy into though, I prefer to spend time with my son, plus there are the daily chores which take up a lot of my time. I appreciate having plenty of time to rest too! Since leaving my parent’s home and setting up my own I have bought quite a few household