Let’s talk about minimalism
In the last few years there’s been a growing theme in my life: consumerism and excess. I have never been a shopaholic or one to impulse buy, in fact I feel I really think things through before spending my money. What got me thinking about excess and minimalism was the amount of time I was spending cleaning my house. What has cleaning got to do with minimalism? Hold on, I will get to it. Saturday morning is when the cleaning happens in my house. Cleaning is not a fun activity for me, but I don’t really mind doing it as it results in a dust-free, organised house. Nevertheless, the process used to be highly frustrating due to the high amount of small items around the house, getting in the way. I may sound like a drama queen, but I am sure a lot of busy mum’s out there know what I mean. That’s when I decided to do a little research about how to achieve a more minimalistic lifestyle, a life that contains only the essential, the things that bring me happiness, all the rest was just getting in my way. I am no someone that gets easily attached to things