Pimple-be-gone face scrub
I think I have mentioned in the blog before that I am trying to detox from refined sugars, dairy and gluten from my diet, which has been going well and I say this because I truly feel different, from my energy levels to my weight. I did have Yorkshire puddings and chocolate cake last weekend but hey, even the detox needs a break, and I am being realistic about this, I don’t want to completely cut gluten, dairy and sugar from my diet because I know it would be unsustainable for myself and also because I believe few things bring me as much happiness as butter and chocolate do. This new regime has made me more interested in reading about food and I came across an article about Pulitzer-nominated Shann Nixx who moved from California to Wales and now has a goat farm. She experimented with goat’s milk to make a natural remedy for her son’s eczma and she was amazed by the results. What amazed me even more was that she used raw Manuka honey to look after her husband after he had a bad case of MRSA. They found that antibiotics were not doing the job on top of