DIY – Spice jars
I believe all us foodies have a shared love for spices. Five years ago when I was still at university I went on a cook book buying spree and I remember finding a seller on Ebay who also lived in Frankfurt and wanted to get rid of all her Jamie Oliver books. We arranged to meet up at the university and she sold me each of her books for 7€. I went back home with a spring on my step, what a deal! As I started going through my new reading material I realised a list was forming, a list of spices that was essential in a true foodie’s kitchen…and I had none of them! So the following day I spent around 50€ on all the spices I had on my list. This will be an expensive hobby, I thought to myself…. And that was only the start. Back on those days I used to leave all the spice bags organised in a plastic container. Then I moved on to glass jars, which I arranged on one of my shelves, but they were overexposed to the Sun on that shelf which made them loose their colour and smell and made